For employees

One click away aplicaitons for employee benefits such as "advance payroll request", Health insurance or parking space!

For Employers

Employee benefits automation, fully integrated with HR systems and allowing for cost savings and employee satisfaction.

For Bill Issuers

Request to Pay based solutions reducing "invoice to-pay" cost, paperless and with real time payment status.

Categoría: Uncategorized

FintEx Solutions

FintEx Solutions

FintEx is a technology start-up focused on creating disruptive and innovative solutions that improve and automate complex day to day processes. Interoperability, real time connections and simplicity are characteristics that make our products excel and differentiate from our competitors.

With an innovative and disruptive approach, the company develops technology of a top standard with the mission of creating solutions that “resolve day to day problems” are easy to use and improve existing processes while saving costs.

FintEx products rely on the highest class of cloud-based architecture which drives and API first approach. The modern architecture sits at the top of industry recognized standards and encompasses highly secure and scalable microservices for the best and fastest performance.

We use a combination of Design Thinking, Lean Startup and Agile methodologies to create our products, taking them from the customer problem into a customer solution

We believe in technology as the enabler to build solutions that makes people live better, that’s we employee the latest and best options in the market and take an API first approach that enables ease of integration.

We believe in standards that regulates the common language to use by all parties and simplifies the communication, that’s why we adopt ISO2002, PSD2 and RTP as the “basement” for our building blocks. We believe in sustainability and user centric solutions to help our customers in the long term and that’s why our offering uses creativity and innovation from the conception up to the delivery, from technology to experience, from FintEx to the customers.